Evaluation of the program - FRAME, VOICE, REPORT! (ID: 39, project ID: 38)
Evaluation of the program - FRAME, VOICE, REPORT!

Evaluation of the program - FRAME, VOICE, REPORT!

FRAME, VOICE, REPORT! (FVR) is a fund for civil society organizations with the objective of strengthening awareness and engagement among EU citizens in relation to the Global Goals. FVR has financed DEAR actions (Development Education and Awareness Raising) of European civil society organizations in order to raise awareness and increase engagement of EU citizens in the efforts towards realizing the SDGs with a special focus on gender, migration and climate change. The program is implemented in Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy and the Netherlands.
The evaluation was conducted for both accountability and learning purposes. Scope covered assessment against the OECD/DAC criteria, assessment of relevance of the action to the DEAR programme and specifically of sub-granting as a specific Lot in relation to the overall DEAR programme and objectives. Recommendations serve as guidance for possible future joint sub-granting programmes in the partnership as well as for partners’ other ways of sub-granting DEAR activities. Primary users are Frame, Voice, Report (FVC) partners, the EC and the DEAR support team. Secondary users include beneficiaries, like-minded organizations, CSO networks and relevant authorities. The evaluation covered the implementation period from the start of the program in 2018 and all 7 implementation countries / regions. Data collection methods included desk study, key informant interviews, National Learning Events with grantees, case studies, key stakeholder meetings, observations.